OperationSTART - Issues with the main OperationSTART platform – Detalji prekida

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Issues with the main OperationSTART platform

Delimičan prekid rada
Početo 8 months agoТрајало 15 minutes


OperationSTART Platform

Ne funkcioniše undefined 5:12 PM do 5:15 PM, Delimičan prekid rada undefined 5:15 PM do 5:20 PM, Funkcioniše undefined 5:20 PM do 5:26 PM, Delimičan prekid rada undefined 5:26 PM do 5:27 PM

  • Rešeno

    We're seeing some recovery. Our host is identifying this incident as an issue related to a DDoS attack that occurred on Monday causing downtime.

  • Istražuje se
    Istražuje se

    We are seeing downtime again.

  • Rešeno

    This seems to be resolved for the moment. We'll be posting more information here as we learn more about what occurred in this instance. We apologize for the last few days of instability.

  • Obaveštenje

    We're seeing some recovery, still investigating. We're marking this incident as a partial outage.

  • Obaveštenje

    We are confirming that this is an active incident involving downtime. We're seeing an SSL handshake failed Error code 525 and are investigating. We believe this is a host issue and are actively reaching out to learn more.

  • Istražuje se
    Istražuje se

    Our automated systems detected issues with the main OperationSTART platform (available at operationstart.org). We are investigating the issue…