OperationSTART - volunteer.operationstart.org is experiencing technical issues – Деталі інциденту

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volunteer.operationstart.org is experiencing technical issues

Повністю недоступно
Почалося близько 3 років томуТривала близько 5 годин



Повністю недоступно від 4:57 PM до 10:10 PM

  • Оновлювати

    We have received word from our host that the data center has rectified the problem.

    The issue looked to be an issue with the server stuck in its shutting down phase and not entirely stopping resulting in all services, including volunteer.operationstart.org, shut down except for the one causing the error. The site hosting our volunteer application should be back online.

  • Вирішено

    Infrastructure - Volunteer Application is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.

  • Визначено

    Our automated systems detected issues with our volunteer application, volunteer.operationstart.org at 8:57 AM PT. We received word from our host that it is an issue within the data center hosting all their web customers including OperationSTART. We do not have an estimated time of resolution, but will update as we hear more.

  • Вивчається

    5 or more locations failed on 'volunteer.operationstart.org'