OperationSTART - Issues with the main OperationSTART platform – Detalji prekida

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Issues with the main OperationSTART platform

Polovična performansa
Početo 8 months agoТрајало 5 minutes


OperationSTART Platform

Funkcioniše undefined 4:45 PM do 4:45 PM, Ne funkcioniše undefined 4:45 PM do 4:50 PM

  • Obaveštenje

    We're confirming that this issue is related to a host issue causing delayed latency which in result causes slowness in page load time.

  • Rešeno

    Our automated systems report that the OperationSTART platform (available at operationstart.org) was able to restore service as normal. We are investigating what caused the outage.

  • Istražuje se
    Istražuje se

    Our automated systems detected issues with the main OperationSTART platform (available at operationstart.org). We are investigating the issue…